LIKEABLE Aarhus, situated on the eastern coast of the Jutland peninsula and sheltered from the worst of the mercurial North Sea weather, can’t seem to decide whether it’s the “World’s Smallest Big City” (as it’s often called) or the World’s Biggest Little Town.
Identity issues aside, Aarhus, 150km west of Copenhagen, is indisputably one of the most affable, young at heart places in Scandinavia. Elite Aarhus University, Denmark’s largest, injects the town’s top-notch cafes and bars with thousands of new student recruits each year; while the city’s inviting museums and galleries, music festivals and jazz haunts, create a potent cultural pulse.
Year round, it is the delightful pedestrianised strip along the re-claimed Aarhus River (the waterway was covered up in the 1930s to make a new road) – the Vadestedet – that is the nucleus of Aarhus’ non-stop social whirl – and never more so than in those endless white summer nights.